Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Become a Shot Essay Guru

How to Become a Shot Essay Guru How to Become a Short Essay Guru It doesn’t matter what subject you have: eventually you will be asked to complete a written assignment to show professor how easily you master the topic. While homework and coursework are quite brief and straight to the point, it may be quite confusing to write an essay. When a student gets an assignment to complete a short essay, he becomes quite happy but ‘short’ doesn’t mean ‘simple’ and often becomes a bigger problem. This article aims to help you to avoid all the underwater stones and complete a short essay you can be proud of. The main challenge of a short essay is that you need to limit your ideas and arguments to a certain number of words, remaining thoughtful and deep at the same time. Below is a list of requirements, which you need to follow not depending on a type of a short essay you have to complete. Create an outline When you receive a task for the first time, especially if you need to choose a topic on your own, it is easy to get lost in a huge amount of information you have to process. In such a case, it is useful to create an outline and write down all the thoughts and ideas, which you want to include to your text. When you already know what to write about and are ready to start, don’t forget to divide your thoughts into corresponding paragraphs and parts, which will make the whole text smooth and understandable. Your short essay should consist of a one-paragraph long introduction, body of three paragraphs and a one-paragraph conclusion. Introduction When it comes to a short essay, introduction section becomes even more important, as it is usually not more than a couple of sentences long. You need to make them clear and catchy, persuading the reader to continue. The first sentence should include the main ideas of the whole paper and encourage the audience to go on reading. The last sentence should contain your thesis statement. It reflects the problem for the whole essay, which should be arguable and thought evoking. Body The main three paragraphs of your whole short essay should be devoted to the body. It contains main information on the topic, supported by evidence, various facts and credible information. Every paragraph should start with an argument or a statement, following with its supportive facts. Remember to use various constructions to make your language fluent and smooth. In addition, never forget about the formatting style, as it will significantly increase your grades. It is useful to include quotes and facts but don’t forget to properly cite them and provide credible sources. The body paragraphs should contain all the necessary facts but still be readable and smooth, not overwhelming the reader with excessive information. Conclusions The final paragraph is your chance to present the obtained results, so you need to provide all the information in a couple brief sentences, summing up your whole work. First, you need to show how the body paragraphs correspond with your thesis statement, and then make a conclusion to close the raised question. It doesn’t mean that your conclusions should represent the same thoughts. Try to offer a new outlook on the topic and promote fresh ideas. If your introduction aims to stir the interest, your conclusions should satisfy the reader and close the topic. Proofreading It doesn’t matter how great your short essay is: if it contains mistakes, you are doomed to obtain low grades and redo it all over again. Make sure you edit and proofread your essay after competing it to eliminate lexical, grammatical and orthographical mistakes. Correcting all the errors will make your essay flawless and won’t distract the reader from your thoughts and ideas.

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